Augmented Reality, Emergency Vehicles and Parametric Dashboard
Paravantes, G., Leehane, H., Premarathna, D., Chung, C., & Kappen, D. L. (2018). Application of Augmented Reality for Multi-Scale Interactions in Emergency Vehicles. In AutomotiveUI ’18 Adjunct (pp. 1–6).
Currently, paramedics are provided information from the 911 operator regarding the emergency faced by the patient/victim in medical distress. While many distress scenarios for a patient/victim exist, the challenges faced by a victim with a medical problem have to be imagined by the paramedics driving to the emergency situation. Augmenting the emergency scenario on the ambulance instrument panel of the vehicle dashboard with pre-triage scenarios of patients will help to prepare paramedics for an improved patient care protocol on site. Providing the paramedics with patient distress conditions on a real-time basis will help with facilitating the onboarding experience using a syncing of vital statistics, body positioning and level of medical