Having gone back to school after 17 years of consulting, as a grad student, I found myself to be like a deer caught in the headlights of a barrage of buzzwords, technicalities, methodologies and nuances.
This page represents a collection of websites and student help for PhD aspirants to help make ones journey a bit more sensible.
Thesis Stuff:
Academic Writing:
This is a different type of writing as opposed to the everyday writing 🙁
- Check out NOOL @UOIT (they do not give us what NOOL stands for)
- APA Crib Sheet
- Verbs for referring to sources
Graduate Stuff Terminologies:
Literature Reviews :
A paper that critically outlines the theoretical basis and methodological approaches for a specific subject area
Paper Reviews :
Your summarization of a specific paper given to you as an assignment which includes a brief overview of the paper and your arguments about the relevance of the paper in context to the research subject area, methodology , measurements used and your critical analysis of the pros and cons of the research discussed in the paper
- Paper Review Guides
- Another Paper Review Guide
- Some examples of Paper reviews that we did for the Affective Gaming Course at UOIT
Annotated Bibliography:
An alphabetical (based on authors lastname) summary or a list of relevant papers from a research subject area with a concise summary of each paper
- Writing an Annotated Bibliography
- Verbs for Annotated Bibliography
Systematic Reviews:
- Systematic Review Guidelines for Software Engineering